Vikings is an Irish-Canadian historical drama series that is drawn from the controversies of the legendary Viking ruler, King, and hero from the Viking age (mid-ninth-century), Ragnar Lothbrok. It traces through the hero's mysterious path to legend-hood looking into his prolific seizures in England to how eventually he becomes the Scandinavian King.
The TV series is currently on its 5th season and on March 17, 2016 it premiered its 5th season consisting 20 episodes. You can catch the series on M.Net series showcase, or Netflix
The TV series set in the American age of slavery debuted on March 9, 2016, and since it has proved to be one of year's best shows so far. Underground features some of the television’s most talented actors like, Jurnee Smollerr-Bell, Aldis Hodge as E. Hawkins Christopher Meloni.,
The series revolves around the ‘journey’ of slaves projecting an escape from a plantation in Georgia and on their way get acquainted to a secret abolitionist ‘couple’. The escapees are faced with the detrimental obstacle of mercenaries charged to bring them back dead or alive. And the abolitionist couple running a station on the Underground Railroad is their hope for survival.
The Bastard Executioner
Set in the early 14th century in Wales is an American historical fiction drama television series that screened for almost 2 months on FX ceasing after its cancellation. A cunning English man who's power hungry cons England's King Edward 1's Royal knight Wilkin Brattle leaving him for dead. The contained imp-rotation of fate on Wilkins' life by Erik Ventris (his betrayer) leads to the reawakening of the battle-that determines Wilkin's survival.
The plot is closely entangled to the fallout from Madoy cup Llywelyn-Welsh rebellion. The cast features Lee James as (Wilkin Brattle), Katey Sagal as Annora of the Alders, Flora Spencer_Longhurst as Baroness Lowry 'Love', and Danny Spani as Berber of Moor,.
Sons of Anarchy
Starring Charlie Hunnam as Jackson (Jax) Teller, who's at first is the vice president of the series Hub, Outlaw Motorcycle club' located in California's Central Valley fictional town. The crime series closely follows the lives of the characters on the questionable club.
When Jax's ex-wife delivers a baby boy by a caesarian op (Abel) Jax inner absences discovers his deceased father's manifesto an the club motorcycle Club, he reflects upon the Club's sate and discovers that it has for long been derailed and he immediately begins to make steps against all its adversaries. The 7 season series is action packed has broken viewership record on FX
The Tudors
The Tudors is a showtime drama on the early years of England's King Henry VIII almost 40 year reign in the 16th century. The plot that is unrestricted by geographical location as the drama in itself (IMDB) involves a tri-setting scenario-through in England it is a 'British'- Irish-Canadian historical fiction, the first season tells of the period of Henry VIII's reign in which his effectiveness as King is tested by international conflicts as well as political intrigue in the Royal Court and that sets the pace for the following seasons which are marked by international & local perils-and is largely built on the King love relationships and mysterious controversies that are largely comparable to the situation in the Game of Thrones …
CREDITS: The Tudors, Wiki, Sons of Anarchy, Sons of Anarchy, The Bastard-Executioner, The Bastard Executioner, IMDB.
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