India's government announced plans to make all of its cars electric by 2030. "By that year, not a single petrol or diesel car should be sold in the country," said Piyush Goyal who is the power minister of India while speaking at a confederation of Indian Industry last month.
India currently imports $150 billion in oil making it the 3rd largest oil consumer among all the countries in world. The numbers of 'fuel' powered vehicles has been growing with its economy and is expected to continue rising. NITI Saying, India's 'think tank', said replacing fuel powered cars would save India $60 billion in energy by 2030-and reduce carbon emissions by 37%.
India hopes to pair an increase in electric car use with solar power, "the reason is likely due to deep connection being drawn between the future of EVs and the future of solar pwer, including using EV batteries as storage for solar energy, which helps with grid balancing".
The NITI Ayoong 15 year plan includes limits on the registration of gas cars, subsidies for the EV industry, and the use of taxes from gas car sales to create electric charging stations.
Source Quartz
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