Electric Car News Zimbabwe

keep it going:here's another addition to the trend

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Hobbies: Collecting teeth from live tigers, catching bullets with

my bare hands, jogging up and down Mt Nyangani,swimming in

acid pools.

Personal bests:  fought a dinosaur and broke its back, skinned

alive a crocodile, killed superman,assassinated Adolf Hitler, held

my breath for 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 hours, 47 mins and 28

seconds(the list is quite long).

Achievements: went to hell to retrieve my stolen charger from

Lucifer, mastered 10567 languages, first person to land on the


Silly things i've done: ate a bowl of plastic fruit on boxing day.

Embarrasing moment: failed to kill 100 lions with one punch. The

surviving lion is now an imbecile.

Proud moments: when a black mamba died after biting

me,roasted a dragon for lunch with a cigarette lighter

Something about me: i really dont like to boast otherwise i would

have said something about retiring Chuck Norris.

Don't stop the fun, keep it going

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